Customer Satisfaction is Our Focus
Our goal is complete customer satisfaction, that’s why offer a variety of services to assist them in anyway possible.
Property Management
VMC Management (VMC) is a leading provider of residential, commercial, cooperative/co-op, condominium and homeowner association property management in the Garden State – New Jersey (NJ). Providing service for more than 30 years with a combined experience of more than 100 years from the company’s leaders , VMC delivers superior, cost effective service for its clients. Our services include:
Eviction, Redemption, and Legal Management
Property Management
Property Maintenance
Housing Choice Voucher
Section 8 Contract Administration
Public Housing
Asset Valuation and Marketing Analysis
Brokerage and Offer Management
Closing and Title Services
Real Estate Brokerage and Investment
We pride ourselves as a premier provider of investment real estate brokerage services. The crux of our investment sales is the depth of our local market knowledge. Our 30 year history of maintaining investor relationships in local markets enables us to be the best information source and transaction service provider locally and regionally.
Subprime loan resets, falling property values and tighter credit standards have each contributed to a higher level of foreclosures and a growing inventory of bank-owned and vacant assets and most important, opportunity.
REO Property Management
Real estate owned (REO) housing that is the outcome of the recent foreclosure crisis threatens to destabilize low- and moderate-income neighborhoods across the country. Subprime loan resets, falling property values and tighter credit standards have each contributed to a higher level of foreclosures and a growing inventory of bank owned and vacant assets.
Vacant unmanaged REO properties affect neighborhoods in several ways including reduction in property value. As property value declines and vacancies increase, neighboring homeowners may have less incentive to maintain their own properties. Unattended vacant properties can also attract crime and vandalism and are susceptible to arson.
Lenders operating in communities with a significant number of foreclosures may wish to protect their investments. REO Property Management Services offers a potential silver lining in the foreclosure crisis.
Real Estate Consulting
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Rental Assistance Demonstration
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Affordable Housing Property Management
As one of the first market movers in the mid 1970s, VMC Management (VMC) continues to play an instrumental role in the creation, delivery, management and sustainability of quality affordable housing throughout the state of New Jersey (NJ). We are committed to providing excellent property management services to the affordable housing market. VMC manages the entire spectrum of affordable housing properties from Section 236, LIHTCs, Rent Supplemental, RAP to RAD2 financed solutions. VMC has more than 100 years of combined or property management experience with certified Property Management Specialists, (IREM CPM), Occupancy Specialists (COs), Low Income Housing Tax Credit Specialists (C3P) and strong interaction with several regulatory bodies such as the NJ Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA).
Real Estate Insight
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Press & News
The Basics of Property Management
Taking on an investment property can be a daunting task, especially when turning it into one that will house tenants. Managing a property takes a lot of work and constant communication with residents. Ensuring that your property makes a consistent return on investment takes strong planning and an open channel of communication. Property owners should know that tenants are their lifeblood and working with …
Finding a Reliable, Credible and Professional Property Management ...
Selecting a property management company to meet your specific needs can be a rigorous and exhaustive process. Ultimately, you are seeking a property management company that will maximize your return in your investment property, whether its one home, two buildings or a complex portfolio of real estate assets, in a professional, responsible, legal and transparent manner. Looking for an IREM Certified Property Management Company …
Residential Tenants Prevailing in a Legal Action Can Now Seek Atto...
NJ Bill S-2018 Forces Landlords to Change Lease Wording to Include Language Stating Tenant Can Seek Damages Too!
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